The library’s head of the Constitutional Court (MK) received the visit of the participants Hanindyo Training for candidate of Expert Level Librarian Pusdiklat – Perpustakaan Nasional RI on Tuesday (17/4) morning in the Conference Room of the Press Court, 4th floor. The purpose of their arrival is in the framework of a comparative study of the library. On that occasion Hanindyo explain about the history and development of the Library of the Court until now.
Described Hanindyo, Library Court established since 2003, when the Court was still in Jalan Medan Merdeka West 7. At that time, the Court library consists of only five books a bookshelf with a collection of about 800 books. In 2005, collection added 600 books. Whereas from 2006 to 2010 to 16 374 books. In 2007 when the new building functioned MK, MK The library occupies five floors with an area of 1.4320 m².
As time passed, the Court added the Library on the 6th floor and library on the 16th floor, is an area with meeting rooms of Justices (RPH). In the space of nine judges to decide constitutional matters that goes. "Nevertheless, the room is sterile. Not just anyone can get into the 16th floor, "explains Hanindyo.
Hanindyo continued, MK The library has a very important role in supporting these institutions carry out its authority, such authority of the Constitutional Court to test the law."The constitutional judge will usually ask for a variety of books to the librarian associated with a case that held, so that the library be a supporting system functions in the execution of the function and authority of the Constitutional Court," he explained.
However, further Hanindyo, the library is one of the supporting facilities of scientific insight and increase a person. Culture of reading in people of Indonesia has also increased, so the library becomes an important role in any institution or agency. Therefore, the Court Library are always improving facilities, completeness and scientific information to support culture through reading.
Hanindyo continued that the Court is a state agency established by the state budget comes from the people. MK has always put forward that the library is a library owned by the people, making it accessible to all people. So, not only employees who access the Court, but ordinary people from anywhere can access the books in the library of the Constitutional Court.
After a bief explanation and question and answer Hanindyo with the participants, the event continues with a visit to the Library of the Constitutional Court directly on the floor 5 and floor 6. The goal are for the participants to know better the mechanism and management system of MK Library. (Nano Tresna Arfana / mh/
Tuesday, April 17, 2012 | 17:45 WIB 155